Friday, April 2, 2010

Some tips

To my faithful readers (all six) and to the wayward fish that might find themselves caught in the net… I offer an explanation to the origin and nature to “My Blogg”.

My talented and wonderful daughter, “Wine and Words”, having enjoyed the world of blogging offered to set up a blogg site for me. Whereupon, I thought to myself “yes… now I can post new paintings since my web site operator is no longer able to post new work”.

Instead I found myself entering into a semi fictitious semi-autobiographical novel that pretends to be a blogg.

One may start from blogg #1 January 2010 titled “Paris in ‘63” or work backwards from here. It doesn’t matter as long as you keep in mind that all the pieces are part of a whole and that different characters are recalling past events concerning a painter named Garbo or are characters that are being asked about certain events that relate to Garbo.

A novel in the form of a blogg is a novel idea.