Professor Peter Langerhans ‘The Final Report’
To: Probation Service Board
Restricted Incarceration Division
From: Doctor Ephram Srtook PHD Psychiatry
Harvard Clinical
Dear Sirs:
After three months evaluative council and exhaustive interviews with the subject using various subliminal techniques, the staff of Harvard Clinical of which I am Chief Interrogator, has offered this final report on the matter of the State of California vs. Peter Langerhans: to wit:
The subject seems to have mental and physical capacity within normal range of his age group. He is alert and capable of general responses to questions pertaining to his youth and years as Professor of Art History at The University of California. There is a threshold in his neurological reflexes past which an alternative reality (somewhat hallucinatory) that re-directs his limbic cortex (that is to say) his cognitive memory, onto a landscape of his own imagination. This is a landscape that attempts to re-create the years of his love and study of Baroque Art into a self-delusional tapestry of treachery and corruption into which he instills himself as a lone voice of reason amid a background of the machinations of war and the politics of the Renaissance. His frustrations as a result of being ignored (his fiction) create a violence hitherto unimagined in the ostensible measured behavior of the Professor.
The trigger that fires him into his alternative state (his causa sui reality) revolves around a relationship with one of his students, a Janos Garbo who attended his classes in 1956-57. A relationship that terminated with a minor wound to the students thigh from some sort of writing instrument inflicted by the Professor entering, for the first time, into his strange new world of deranged betrayal and Baroque imagery. Think for a moment of the image of the Beheading of John the Baptist painted by Caravaggio that now illuminates and informs a now paranoid mind.
We have a term for this type of schizoid personality, “Pseudo neural psychosis”,a pathological breakdown of certain neural transmitters through an irreversible atrophy of synaptic response in the lower limbic cortex as to render the subject incapable of differentiating his own from consensus reality.
Our conclusions hope to impose a de-criminalization overlay to the matter. We are of the opinion that Peter Langerhans acted without willful intent or knowledge of its consequences during the actions and consequences of his attack on the Judge.