And now for the news:
Many people died today because of differences of opinion. Some died in anger and some accidentally. The number of births far exceeded the number of deaths but hunger played a more prevalent role than in years past. Pharmaceuticals promised cures for disease in an ever-increasing rate but recent tests have shown scientists not funded by corporate money question optimistic findings.
On Capitol Hill spokesmen for ‘Health reform’ debated whether the President’s proposal would cost taxpayers more than the reform that it promised. Heated words were exchanged and rose to vigorous challenges on both sides of the isle. But both parties agreed to explore a common goal. Later the combatants retired to a fashionable Georgetown restaurant to re-examine the issues.
A large amount of forest was cut down today by peasants hoping to sustain their families through farming. The youth of these regions have migrated to the capitols to explore a meager living through the exploitation of excess labor.
Multi-national corporations extended their hold on world governments by controlling monetary resources, bribery or intimidation. Laws are being passed to allow liaise-fare to predominate the option regarding graft.
Lobbyists prevailed in ongoing complaints by people who decry a lack of government regulation vis-à-vis the lethal contamination of food, water, and radiation. Politicians have vowed to look into the issue after November’s election.
Non-nuclear countries have issued a decree that justifies renewed production of fissionable material despite the threat of boycotts by the UN Security Council. Many annalists see a global arms race as idiotic and not in the interest of anyone. However hundreds of thousands massed in Zagreb today in support of “The Why Not Us” congress, which met to re assure the world of its peaceful intent.
NASA is bewildered by the failure of its last six missions due to collisions by “Space Junk” (nuts, bolts and other debris that now comprise a veritable ring around the Earth) Traveling at 7.78kms, a mere fleck of paint can disable a space station. However NASA warns of unsubstantiated fears concerning future missions.
Wall Street ended on a positive note today amid speculation that a merger was eminent whereby General Electric, Exxon Mobile and Bank of America will join forces in a consolidated effort to promote their interest.
The dollar fell as many countries besmirched the petro-dollar in favor of the Yen.
“One Slimy Shit” toped box-office traffic this weekend and reality show “One Fuck too many” won the Neilson Rating despite a close second by cooking favorite “ My Cake is Bigger than Yours.”
In sports today: Cricketer, Nelson Gibbsley pleaded ‘not guilty’ to alleged performance enhancing violations. “My wickets ain’t tainted, “ pleads the Bloomsbury Center Cupper.
Variable clouds persist in the north while seasonal averages elsewhere tend to follow the norm.