Garbo’s Journal
Began as a sort of “see, I’m thinking” kind of journal, Garbo soon realized that ‘thinking about his own thoughts’ really wasn't worth remembering. A lot of self-pity and self- indulgence embarrassed him weeks later.
His “notes” as he called them evolved into a catechism of things he read that he wanted to remember. He once told me that the stacks of copybooks represented the sum total of everything he ever read that was worth remembering.
One day in 2010 six tears before his death (typo, but tears is better than years) while he nodded off I copied out one page of his ‘ notes’:
Bonobo (genetic difference than Chimp. We and Chimp got the war gene)
Aristarchos of Samos (216 BC) calculated that the Earth revolves around the sun and the illusion of the movement of the stars is due to to the Earth’s rotation—pre-dates Copernicus by 2,000 years.
3/10 To be ahead of the curve means… they can’t see you.
4/10 “ current food production requires 16 calories of input to yield 1 calorie of grain and 70 calories of input to yield 1 calorie of meat.”
4/10 plasma= 4th state of matter: electronically charged gas…. Makes up 99 % of the Universe (IONIZED ATOMS)
5/10 to look upon the face of rapture…
5/10 (my joke):
Did you hear the one about the horney Paleontologist….. He was reduced to dating fossils.
350,000 kinds of beetles make up 1/6 % of the total number of species on Earth.